Sunday, February 17, 2013

Barre and Bar

Friday was another jam-packed and awesome day. Actually, Friday was probably one of the best days I’ve had in a long time.

Again, it started pretty early – though not nearly as early as Wednesday – because my roommate, Tara, and I went to a Ballet Barre class at Barre Body Studio!!

If you haven’t heard of it before, Barre mixes together traditional barre exercises from ballet with pilates – it’s a lot of low-impact, light-weight, heavy-repetition exercises and oh my god is it hard! I was sweating by the end of class and shocked by the fact I was sweating. I mean, I danced all through school and so I thought it would be a piece of cake but let me tell you, I was mistaken. On some of the sequences, I could see my leg muscles just vibrating in the mirror!

I absolutely loved it. It was difficult (my thighs are still a little bit sore two days later) but I was utterly jazzed afterwards. I bought the introductory unlimited first two weeks and am planning on going almost every day. I’m pretty sure I liked it better than yoga.

So, what are two fabulous roommates to do after a great workout? Go to the bar that night and make all that work completely redundant, of course!

(Though first I risked life, limb and food poisoning by eating week-old chicken coconut soup for lunch. There was no gross smell and I didn’t want to waste food, so I ate it. I’m still standing so I think it was all fine.)

Anyway, that evening, Tara and I got all dolled up and headed off to Craft Beer Market. I have a love-hate relationship with that bar. I always try to go there on my birthday and it always lets me down… generally by being too busy. The last year, half my friends couldn’t get in because it was too packed and that made me angry-drunk. This year, my family planned to go there for dinner so my dad and I headed over right after work at about 4:00 pm… and we couldn’t get a table because there was a 200 person reservation and it was too packed. Clearly, when it comes to my birthday, Craft is cursed.

{Me and Tara, kind of dolled up, but mostly just in need of matte powder in the Mayan Riviera in 2012}

When it came to Friday night, though, Craft was awesome! We drank Wild Rose Wraspberry, discovered blueberry red bull, ate an amazing prosciutto and arugula pizza and stalked hit on guys.

Craft is always crazy busy, so we ended up sharing a table with two random guys (one of whom was very outgoing, the other of whom seemed to only listen to approximately a third of the words that came out of my mouth). They were friendly, but a little bit odd and we ran into an awkward moment where we were chatting with a girl we had known in junior high, one of the guys did something odd, she said “Sorry about the awkward boyfriends” and we blurted out “No no, we don’t know these guys, they just sat down!” So subtle. On the other hand, they flat out refused to let us pay for our dinner and allowed us to run away to hang out at the bar, so how can you complain, really? And I told them an amazing story about one of the most hilarious days of my life, so they were entertained for a good half hour by my antics.

I very very rarely actively pursue guys. I just send vibes out into the universe and the guys I am interested in come to me… or something like that. So, if ever I like a guy and he is ambivalent towards me, I am going to have a ridiculous series of misadventures trying to hit on him, I am sure. Because I will have no idea what I am doing, as witnessed by the following exchange:

Me: I’m sure you’re getting hit on a lot tonight.

Him: Oh? How come?

Me: Because you’re very tall and wearing a blazer.

Yes. Apparently that is my criteria. Tall and blazer wearing. Whatever. He was charmed by me.

Possibly because I am short and was also wearing a blazer. And a bustier. Maybe more so the bustier than the blazer…

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